Friday 28 October 2011

Guide of programming for Nao

Team Nanyang has completed documented a guidebook for beginners who doesnt know how to programme Nao.

This guidebook is written by Swee Tim and Xi Ling. The guidebook will show you the necessary software to be installed to the computer. Besides, it shows how to programme in C++ and Python.
The guidebook can be downloaded from this webpage below:

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Team Nanyang has ventured into a new research field using Nao to develop an interactive humanoid for autism treatment.

This project is headed by the Team Nanyang team leader, Swee Tim and he is working with 2 FYP students. This project is a collaboration between Institute of Mental Health - Child Guidance Clinic(CGC), Singapore and NTU.

We will be working closely with the physcologist in CGC to provide us with the physocoligst point of view of using Nao to interact with the autistic kids. We will make Nao to have emotions and human like motion.

The main hypotesis of this research is their some clinical trials done that suggests that using humanoid could improve the  communication of autistic kids because autistics kids feels that a robot is less threatening compare to a normal human which is more random.